Mitigating marine biofouling through the use of environmentally sound technologies

In the relentless pursuit of preserving our oceans and marine ecosystems, our project focuses on mitigating the adverse effects of ship's biofouling through the implementation of the IMO Biofouling Guidelines and showcasing the most cutting-edge and environmentally sound technologies.

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An IMO-Norad Project to Support Implementation of the IMO Biofouling Guidelines

An IMO-Norad Project to Support Implementation of the IMO Biofouling Guidelines

The “Accelerating Transfer of Environmentally sound Technologies through demonstration pilots to reduce biofouling and related emissions” (TEST Biofouling) Project assists developing countries to build their knowledge on control and management of biofouling and showcase effective approaches to biofouling management and the mitigation of environmental risks associated with the transfer of Invasive Aquatic Species (IAS) through ship’s biofouling.

An IMO-Norad Project to Support Implementation of the IMO Biofouling Guidelines

The Issue

Biofouling is the build-up of microorganisms, plants, algae or small animals. On a ship’s hull, this can increase hydrodynamic drag, with negative economic and environmental impacts.


Latest News

October 14, 2024

TEST Biofouling & MTCC Asia Join Forces to Combat Biofouling

A recent partnership between the TEST Biofouling Project and the Maritime Technology Cooperation Cen... Read More

July 18, 2024

Panama Hosts Biofouling Management Events

Biofouling management is crucial in combating the introduction of invasive aquatic species and reduc... Read More

May 2, 2024

IMO biofouling project to address biodiversity threat extended

IMO’s TEST Biofouling project has received the greenlight to continue its work to tackle the trans... Read More


Project Partners

The TEST Biofouling project is a collaboration between the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO).


Demonstration Pilot Projects

Demonstration pilot projects will illustrate practical solutions in selected ports and shipyards worldwide, featuring regional exchange on technological..


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